
Cosentyx Side Effects : Does Cosentyx Cause Hair Loss


Cosentyx is a prescribed drug which is prescribed to treat certain inflammation-related conditions, like plaque Psoriasis. Cosentyx side effects that can range from minor to serious. Examples include diarrhea, infections and hives.

Cosentyx can trigger a variety of adverse effects, some of which are more prevalent than other. These Cosentyx side effects could be brief, lasting only several days or even weeks. If the side effects last for more than a few weeks and bother you or get serious, you should discuss the issue with your doctor or pharmacist.


What are the uncommon side effects associated with Cosentyx?

Cosentyx can trigger severe, but rare adverse reactions. In research the uncommon side effects were:

  • A serious disease : Using Cosentyx may cause a decrease in you to strengthen your body's immune system to fight off infections such as tuberculosis (TB). Your doctor will examine your body for TB prior to and during the course of your Cosentyx treatment. Your chance of developing an acute infection could be greater if you've had an ongoing (long long) infection or frequent (repeating) infection.
  • The condition is known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) also known as IBD symptoms that flare up : IBD is a category of illnesses which cause the inflammation (swelling or abrasion) within certain areas within the digestion system. The most common examples are Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.. If you suffer from IBD Your doctor will be watching you closely throughout Cosentyx therapy or suggest an alternative treatment. Discuss with your doctor if are suffering from IBD even if you're in the process of remission (periods of time that are not accompanied by signs of IBD).
  • Anaphylaxis :Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that requires prompt medical attention. The symptoms of anaphylaxis could include breathing problems or swelling of your throat or face. If you are experiencing these symptoms you should dial 911 or your local emergency number, or seek medical attention immediately.

Cosentyx could cause other minor or severe adverse reactions. For more information, refer to the following sections.


What are the mild side effects of cosentyx?

Cosentyx can trigger minor adverse effects. This could include:

  • Cold sores (lip mouth or gum inflammation caused by herpes virus)
  • symptoms of cold including congestion, cough, runny nose or sore throat
  • headache
  • nausea
  • diarrhea*
  • hives*

In the majority of cases the effects of these conditions should be brief. They can be treated, too. If you experience signs that continue to occur or cause you discomfort discuss it with your doctor or pharmacist. Do not stop using Cosentyx unless your doctor suggests it.

Cosentyx could cause other minor side effects as well. Read the prescription instructions for Cosentyx for more information.


What are the serious side effects of cosentyx?

In rare cases, Cosentyx may cause serious side effects. Before you begin treatment, speak with your doctor regarding the risk of severe side effects from the drug.

The most serious side effects of Cosentyx could be:

  • bacterial, fungal, or viral infection*
  • IBD (IBD)*
  • allergy which includes anaphylaxis*

*To find out more about this side effect, refer to this section below "Side effects explained" section below.

Read this "Side effects explained" section below for more information about these serious side effects.



What is Hair Loss

Hair loss, medically known as alopecia, is a condition characterized by the partial or complete absence of hair from areas of the body where it normally grows. It can affect the scalp or other parts of the body and can occur due to various reasons. Hair loss can have significant psychological and emotional effects on individuals, impacting their self-esteem and quality of life. Treatment options for hair loss vary depending on the underlying cause and may include medications, topical treatments, hormone therapy, or surgical procedures like hair transplantation. Consulting a healthcare professional or dermatologist is essential for proper diagnosis and management of hair loss.


Does Cosentyx Cause Hair Loss 

Cosentyx (secukinumab) is a prescription medication primarily used to treat certain autoimmune conditions such as moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. It works by targeting and blocking certain proteins in the body that contribute to inflammation.

Hair loss is not a commonly reported side effect of Cosentyx. However, like any medication, Cosentyx may cause side effects in some individuals. While hair loss is not listed as a common side effect in clinical trials or in the drug's prescribing information, it's essential to remember that individual responses to medications can vary, and some people may experience uncommon or rare side effects.

If you are experiencing hair loss while taking Cosentyx, it's crucial to discuss this with your healthcare provider. They can evaluate your symptoms, medical history, and any other potential factors contributing to the hair loss to determine the appropriate course of action. They may recommend adjusting your treatment plan or investigating other possible causes of the hair loss. Never stop or change your medication regimen without consulting your healthcare provider first.


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Symptoms of Hair Loss

The symptoms of hair loss can vary depending on the underlying cause and type of alopecia. Here are some common symptoms associated with different types of hair loss:

1. Gradual Thinning on the Scalp : This is the most common symptom of androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern baldness). In men, hair loss typically begins at the temples or crown and gradually progresses over time. In women, hair thinning usually occurs on the top of the scalp, while the hairline remains intact.

2. Patchy Hair Loss : Alopecia areata often presents as round or oval patches of hair loss on the scalp or other areas of the body. These patches may be smooth and completely bald or may have a slightly stubbled appearance.

3. Sudden Shedding : Telogen effluvium can cause a sudden increase in hair shedding, often noticeable during brushing, washing, or styling the hair. This shedding may lead to a noticeable decrease in hair density or volume.

4. Visible Bald Spots : Traction alopecia can cause bald spots or thinning hair along the hairline or in areas where there is repeated pulling or tension on the hair follicles, such as from tight hairstyles or hair accessories.

5. Irregular Hair Texture : Trichotillomania, the compulsive urge to pull out one's hair, can result in irregular patterns of hair loss and changes in hair texture due to repeated pulling or twisting of the hair.

6. Scalp Itching or Irritation : Certain types of hair loss, such as alopecia areata or seborrheic dermatitis, may be accompanied by scalp itching, redness, or irritation.

7. Visible Signs of Inflammation : In some cases of hair loss, particularly those with an autoimmune component like alopecia areata, there may be signs of inflammation such as redness, swelling, or scaling in the affected areas.

It's essential to consult a healthcare professional or dermatologist if you notice any unusual changes in your hair or scalp. They can help determine the underlying cause of your hair loss and recommend appropriate treatment options based on your specific condition. Early intervention may help slow down or even reverse hair loss in some cases.


Which food should we avoid in hair loss

While diet can play a role in hair health, there isn't a single food that directly causes or prevents hair loss. However, certain dietary factors can contribute to overall hair health and minimizing hair loss. It's generally a good idea to avoid excessive consumption of unhealthy fats, sugary foods, and processed foods, as they can contribute to inflammation and poor circulation, which may indirectly affect hair health. Additionally, inadequate protein intake can also impact hair growth, so ensuring you're getting enough protein in your diet is important. Overall, a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats is beneficial for promoting hair health.



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